Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Blast from the Past...

So a bunch of us have been uploading old pics on facebook and it's so much fun!! Some of them are so embarassing, but that makes it even better! I guess I enjoy it so much is being away from home for so long. I'm proud of who I was and who I have become. Everyone of those people and experiences have made me who I am today and I'm very grateful. Some people seem to be upset about the pics, but I really think it's funny. I guess if you've met all new people and potrayed yourself as something you aren't, you would be embarassed, but I haven't. I am who I am, a proud little wild band nerd turned conservative mommy. I like for Cameron to see old pics of me. It shows him how far I've come! haha. Well, gotta take care of stuff to prepare to move to the new house. :)