Sunday, November 29, 2009

We did so good shopping on Black Friday. We got so many great deals. We bought new furniture for the new house. It's gorgeous, we are so excited. We also got some Paula Deen cookware, a printer/scanner/copier, all kinds of good stuff. We have been decorating like crazy and our house looks amazing. I will take pictures as soon as dad gets back with my camera so I can post them. It's so pretty and colorful around here and really helps to boost our spirits as we go through what will probably be our hardest Christmas so far. I wish Cameron was here. I stay strong and handle deployments surprisingly well, but occasionally I break down. I hope I can get through Christmas okay. Knowing that he is coming home in January instead of April is making it easier. October was a long month, November went by quickly once I found out that Cameron made it into the program. Hopefully December will be the same. I don't really have much to say, just wanted to try to get in the groove of doing this. OH. Friday night was SO much fun. I go out with friends once a month and we were going to Footdown, but Anna and Erica got there and it was lame so we went to WhistleStop. They were playing "NuWave" music. Lora calls it "Charlie Brown Hipster." It's super chill, you can just kind of relax and dance without worrying about weird creepo guys grinding on you. I'm not a big drinker, we've had way too much of that in my life, so I've learned that you don't have to get smashed to have fun. I can have like 2 or so drinks (I found that Malibu and Pineapple is delicious) and I'm just fine. We had so much fun. Well, Boomer needs a bath. Shih Tzus get so dirty! Gotta get to that...

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